Saturday, November 22, 2014

Walking Colour Experiment

On Friday we made colour walk from one glass to another glass. The children made some good predictions and observations.


Paige - The paper towel might bring the water.
Jack - I think the colours will change colours.
Bagas - I think it will explode.
Manaaki - It might look like a volcano coming out.
Liam and Sam - I think the water will go into the middle cup and might change colour.
Jennika - The colours might melt the paper towel.


Sophie - The paper towel is sucking up the coloured water.
Genavie - The yellow and blue colours mixed to make green.
Marissa - The colours mixed together.
Ellie - The yellow and red colours mixed to make orange.
Liam - The water is dribbling.
All the Children - The yellow and red water have gone down. 

The classes' final prediction - If we leave the glasses over night all the water will go into the middle glass.

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